Friday, March 9, 2012

March Blogging!

We finally finished the initial iPad training and everyone has their new iPads.  I have heard so many teachers talking about the apps they found to use in their classrooms.  Thank you to Mrs. Whitt and Mrs. Campbell for coordinating our training.   How exciting!

Mrs. Cantrell visited a few weeks ago and her comment to me was " every student in every room was engaged in learning, even if they were going out the door".  She was very complementary to you and commented on what a wonderful job everyone is doing.  Thanks for making such a good impression.

I love seeing students sitting on the bean bags and reading in the halls.  They are so cute!

Mrs. Jackson did such a fantastic job with our new murals.  Thanks to Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs. Olson for working on the lettering.  They are going to make a wonderful addition to our building.

I hope the new attendance activity is making a difference in our overall school attendance.  We have had a lot of 100%'s especially in Mrs. Willett's, Mr. Brandon's, and Mrs. Bosher's classrooms. 

We have all been working hard getting ready for the Blue Ribbon visit on May 10, 11.  Thank you for all you are doing to help prepare our classrooms (de-clutter, please!) and building for the visit. We will be sending our a schedule for completing the required surveys.  Please be sure your students are familiar with our school mission - it will be read each Friday during morning message.

Thank you to the lunchroom ladies for suggesting primary colors for painting the lunchroom - it is going to be beautiful!

State testing is fast approaching.  Please be sure you review ARMT style questions with your students to prepare them for the test.  It is very important that each student do their best - proficiency percentages for AYP have increased!

If you have a student you would like to recognize for outstanding work or acheivement, please fill out the form to have them recognized during morning message.

Thank you to the teachers who volunteer to lead student clubs.  It means a lot to me that you are willing to stay after school so that our students have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities.  (Especially Mrs. Evans, Archery Club, and Mrs. Olson, iPod Club, Mrs. Whitt, Library Night, and  Mrs. Cook, Art Club who have done clubs all year long.)

The Archery Club did great at their first meet - participants were:  Hunter Williams, Nathan Lones, and Steven Clapp.

Thanks for all you do every day. I know how stressful this time of year is, but hang in there!  Only two weeks until spring break.  It is important for you to take care of you, too.  If there is anything I can do to make things easier, please let me know. 

Quote:  "Those who can, teach; those who can't, go into some much less significant line of work"