Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May Happenings!

Testing is almost over and it is getting close to the end of another year.  Our visit by the Blue Ribbon committee is tomorrow and Friday.  I am so proud of everyone for the great ideas, hard work, extra hours, and unlimited enthusiasum shown during this process. Our custodians, along with Mrs. Hurd, have worked hard getting the building clean.  Teachers have worked getting their rooms "clutter-free" and ready for the visit.   Not only is our faculty excited about the changes this process has brought about, but our students love the new look at Walnut Grove.  Now we have the highest test scores in Madison County and are also kid-friendly and sparkling clean! 

A special thank you to our Blue Ribbon Committee (Susan Kilpatrick, Pat Campbell, Chrissie Willett, Yolanda Wright, and Holly Whitt) for all their efforts.  Since attending the Blue Ribbon convention in December, they have been committed to this process of improvement and have worked hard to lead the way.

Thank you also to Laura Faulk and Rebecca Holder for planning the reception.  They have done a great job planning the menu and decorations.  I am looking forword to the performance by Ms. Marla's Music Club.  I am sure everyone will enjoy hearing them sing and perform on our new outdoor musical insturments.

What a successful year we have had here at Walnut Grove.  I am sure next year will be even better!

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